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01 Welcome

We are DXO

DX is our Obsession!!

YJ0TT is now QRT

Team YJ0TT would like to take a moment to thank all who participated in making our CQWW SSB and  DXPedition efforts successful.  We placed our trust in the amateur radio community to welcome us with open arms and you did just that!

It is because of YOU and only YOU that our event was a success with over 40,000 QSO's.  From the bottom of our hearts we would like to say "THANK YOU!!"

Marc (YJ0TT), Scott (YJ0SR), Alex (YJ0NA)

Phil (YJ0UC), Leon (YJ0EE), O.C. (YJ0ET)

QSL Card Update!
A new batch of QSL cards have been delivered, we've resumed the mailing process!

02 Expeditions

Satelite Dish

03 BAND PlanS



EME: 50.190 (Q65)

FT8: 50.313/50.331

CW: 50.091

SSB: 50.141

CW: 28.035

FT8: 28.090

SSB: 28.511

RTTY: 28.081


CW: 24.891

FT8: 24.911

SSB: 24.931

RTTY: 24.921


CW: 21.035

FT8: 21.090

SSB: 21.295

RTTY: 21.081


CW: 18.071

FT8: 18.095

SSB: 18.131

RTTY: 18.091


CW: 14.035

FT8: 14.090

SSB: 14.181

RTTY: 14.081



CW: 7.035

FT8: 7.056

SSB: 7.181

RTTY: 7.041


CW: 10.111

FT8: 10.131

RTTY: 10.141



CW: 5354.0

FT8: 5357.0

SSB: 5371.5

CW: 3.535

FT8: 3.567


CW: 1.835

FT8: 1.836

04 The Team

Passion led us here
Holiday Destination

DXObsessed, where does it come from?  It starts with your first contact, the initial spark.  As time passes, the hunger for the next DX contact increases as you listen intensely.  The chase turns into the hunt, and you begin to engage with others, and gravitate toward those sharing your passion; that’s how Marc (NC7M) and I (NG7E) started.


While distance separated us initially, we (Marc and I) met in Seaside Oregon at SeaPac.  From there, the bond grew, sharing ideas, sharing how we arrived at this place in time, and most importantly, where we would go from here.   Marc led, and I followed as our eagerness to expand toward new adventures and opportunities gained momentum.


We know where we are… but where we are going is what keeps this Obsession alive.  Chasing DX and being chased as DX is what we strive for.  Our goal is simple, build on the knowledge of others, encourage others with similar mindsets to take on the challenge when the challenge calls, and connect with others to join us as we embark on other DXPeditions.


We’re taking small steps for now, as our first step together started with St. Lucia, and our second step is Vanuatu (October 2023), embarking together with 4 others that share the same Obsession for DX (Scott N7JI, Alex K6VHF, Phil W6UC, and Leon NJ6P).


Share the adventure with us and encourage us with your support!!



~ DXObsessed ~

05 About DXO

06 Equipment

Image by Chris Linnett


3 x BuddiPole BuddiHex

SpiderBeam Poles (30m, 40m, 60, 80m, 160m)

8 Element 6m (W7GJ custom design)

2015-01-12 20.59.35.jpg


Yaesu FT-991A

2 x Icom IC-7300

2 x Elecraft  KPA500

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07 Contact Us

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